VAPE 101


  • Vaping refers to smoking from battery-powered devices, like Juul, e-cigarettes and vape pens, that let you breathe in flavored vapor that looks and feels like cigarette smoke.

  • Vaping doesn’t just emit “harmless water vapor.” In reality, vapes contain liquids, flavors, frequently nicotine and other cancer-causing chemicals.


  1. ADDICTION SUCKS.  You know that feeling when someone other than you is telling you what to do? That’s what addiction is like. Everyone knows nicotine is addictive. Once you get hooked, it’s hard to get off. What you might not know, though, is that it’s also really bad for your health. More on that next. The bottom line is this: you are pumping your body with nicotine when you vape. And while you think it’s not harmful, you’re silently handing over your control to a chemical.

  2. YOUR BRAIN. It’s only one of the most important organs. Without our minds, who are we really other than a vessel for cells, organs, and blood, and stuff? So here’s the deal….you’re putting crap into your body that’s affecting your brain, giving new meaning to being a numbskull. Vaping is going to actually make you more anxious, not less.

  3. CHEMICALS. What genius thought it was a good idea to start inhaling cancerous chemicals and calling it cool? The genius that’s making billions of dollars off other people getting sick from ingredients known to cause cancer and birth defects. You want to suck down formaldehyde, heavy metals, and something called acrylamide?! Fun fact, acrylamide is used in treating wastewater, including sewage. It may increase the risk for several types of cancer.

  4. IT’S NOT JUST ABOUT YOU. Vapers are not only filling their brains and bodies with toxic chemicals, they’re also hurting others around them. We breathe the same air, and when you’re breathing an aerosol of exhaled nicotine, ultra-fine particles, and other toxins, people around you are also at risk. Nice going.


Here are a few resources to help you quit, that are free or don’t cost too much.

  • Text “QUIT” to (202) 804-9884. This will provide you with free text messages to keep your quit on track

  • Call 800-QUITNOW. A free quit line from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. Call for free advice and tips on quitting smoking from professional counselors.

  • Enroll in This is Quitting or BecomeAnEX®: these are free digital quit programs from Truth Initiative [1]

  • Speak with a Certified Tobacco Treatment Specialist. You can find in-person support in your area and speak with a specialist on creating ways to quit that work for you. You might have to pay for some in-person help.

  • Go to MyLifeMyQuit to talk or chat with a coach to help you quit using all tobacco.






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